Tuesday, January 15, 2008


Grace is the oldest (Nathan's daughter from a high school relationship). She lives with her Mom in Ohio but we're thankful to have a visitation schedule in place which allows us to see her on her breaks and summer vacations. She is in 6th grade and is a great student. She is currently swimming and cheer leading but admits that swimming is so much better (that's an "atta girl" from Daddy who was a state swimmer himself). She is great with her siblings-from playing school to video games or riding bikes with them. And yes, this year she will 12. Can you say: American Red Cross babysitting class?! Can't wait to have her join us this summer in NC.

1 comment:

LaraP said...

So nice to have this website Sarah. Especially for the pictures since we don't get to see each other that often. I enjoy my "Sarah time" on the phone weekly though. Let's get a time to come visit on the calendar so we can all start looking forward to it! Love the Jacob's! ~Lara